
Payne Institute for Earth Resources
Policy Conference

Local Solutions to Global Problems: Designing Energy and Environmental Policy in an Interconnected World

February 25-26, 2016
Oxford Hotel
Denver, Colorado

Many of the most important energy and environmental issues facing society today cross jurisdictional boundaries. For example, failure at the international or national level to develop a coordinated strategy for controlling greenhouse gas emissions has led some states, such as California, British Columbia and members of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), to push ahead on their own. Even in cases where action comes at the national or global level, policy designs often leave substantial room for member states to choose how they meet with the plan’s objectives, such as under the US Clean Power Plan or in National Action Plans under the EU’s Renewable Energy Directive.

This characteristic presents challenges for policy design because state and regional economies and environments are often tightly linked. Developing sound regulatory responses at the state or local level will require policymakers to understand not only their own economy, but how it interacts with others.

The Payne Institute for Earth Resources at the Colorado School of Mines brings together leading researchers working at the nexus of energy, the environment and the economy to explore these issues and to develop takeaway lessons for policymakers.

Featured Presenters

  • Carol McAusland, University of British Columbia
    Rerouting and Destination-Based Carbon Policy
  • Carolyn Fischer, Resources for the Future
    Strategic Subsidies for Green Goods
  • Ian Parry, International Monetary Fund
    How Much Carbon Pricing is in Countries’ Own Interests? The Critical Role of Co-Benefits
  • Jim Bushnell, University of California at Davis
    The Clean Power Plan: Choices and Challenges for the Western Grid
  • Mark Jacobsen, University of California at San Diego
    Biofuel and the Regulation of Life Cycle Emissions Across Boundaries
  • Nathan Richardson, University of South Carolina School of Law
    The Clean Power Plan and the End of Regulatory Innovation?
  • Roberton Williams III, University of Maryland
    Intergovernmental Externalities and Incentives for Sub-National Environmental Policy
  • Dan Kaffine, University of Colorado Boulder
    Natural Resource Federalism: Preferences Versus Connectivity for Patchy Resources
  • Ed Balistreri, Colorado School of Mines
    Carbon-Policy Interactions in California and the Competitive Selection of Renewable Generation Technologies